Friday, March 21, 2014

Card Sprite sheet Generator

During development of Wonders in Math Land I had to recreate card animations many times. Therefore I developed this script called: Card Sprite sheet Generator.
It enables you to create two way sprite sheet animation with just two images, in my case front and back side of a card. I had some bright ideas to improve it. Let me know our thought on it.

StarCraft2 Achievements application

I have been busy these days, developing a custom application for StarCraft2 using Blizzard's web service. If you are a SC2 fan and play it alot this application will enable you to browse trough the complete list of SC2 achievements when you don't play the game. Choose a region and locale/language, then filter the list by category, points and keyword. Finally, let me know your thoughts on it and what can be improved.

The link to the application is:

Browse achievements by category name
Browse achievements by category name

Browse achievements by points and category name
Browse achievements by points and category name

Browser achievements by title and description keyword
Browse achievements by title and description keyword

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mochi Media is dead?! :(

Yup mochi media is dead :(

If you really like some of my games I can send you file for upload, just email me:

It was fun with mochi media. Great platform for sharing free games but that is life :(